Sold    Broken combo fresh F edelgard+10 Groom rafiel +10 F dimitri +2 duo mica +2 18

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jaramago, 6/1/21.

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  1. Jaramago

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    selling almost fresh starter, with tons of orbs left to farm. Only touched easy story and some other quest to advance in path of the hero, but its mostly fresh (hard, extreme story and paralogues almost untouched) and both brave hero selector avaliable:

    notable units like F!edelgard +10 (divided into +9 and unmerged), F! dimitri unmerged+2 (+speed), bridal micaiah unmerged +2 (+speed), F! morgan (male) +1 (+Def), and other really nice units.

    f!edelgard is currently divided into one +atk +9 already merged and the last one +atk -speed (minmaxed nature) leveled up, to do the broken combo (2 edelgard/2 rafiels):

    if you marry rafiel with edelgard, both edelgards will get the effect of both rafiel prf and both will start with bonfire totally charged. They will also get bonding bonus for both rafiel and since all team are beast, they can take advantage of hone/fortify skills, and all 4 will start transformed:

    team consist in:

    -1 F!edelgard +9 +atk
    -1 F!edelgard unmerged +atk -speed
    -1 Rafiel +10 +res to activate ploys and debuff enemies
    -1 rafiel +1 +speed to maximice options of surviving dual attacks.

    both edelgard start with Bonfire ready due to both rafiels, all 4 start transformeed and rafiels can refresh both edelgard for more turns.

    my discord if you are interested or need some screenshots:


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