Selling Bristlebane 4811561 All characters have mounts and...

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell, 1/26/13.

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  1. EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    Bristlebane 4811561 All characters have mounts and cleric mercs and there is a trader with full loot to use or sell and trade skill items. All characters have mounts and cleric mercs and there is a trader with full loot to use or sell and trade skill items. Magician Dark Elf Male AA Points: 228 Veteran AA Points: 1 LDON Points: 0 Tradeskills: Brewing Flag/Key List: Crystollis MMM Void D Epic: Epic 1.5 Do You Have Magelo or EQ Player Profile: No Magelo or EQPlayer Profile Link: Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 5 - Uber Equipment (Fully Geared) Describe All Characters Equipment: Characters Server: Bristlebane Characters Level: 80 Characters Class: Shaman Describe One Characters Equipment: Full tier 3 SoD armor and is level 85, has epic 1.5 and has 23992 plat on him. has 351 aa's. Flagged for Crystollis, MMM and Void D. Characters Server: Bristlebane Characters Level: 80 Characters Class: Monk Describe One Characters Equipment: Full tier 3 SoD armor and is level 85, has epic 1.5 and has 18954 plat on him. has 175 aa's. Flagged for Crystollis, MMM and Void D. Characters Server: Bristlebane Characters Level: 80 Characters Class: Cleric Describe One Characters Equipment: Full tier 3 SoD armor and is level 83, has epic 1.5 and has 24 plat on him. has 434 aa's. Flagged for Crystollis, MMM and Void D. Characters Server: Bristlebane Characters Level: 75 Characters Class: Wizard Describe One Characters Equipment: Full tier 3 SoD armor(Not turned in or equiped) and is level 75, has epic 1.5 and has 20596 plat on him. has 84 aa's. Flagged for Crystollis, MMM and Void D. Characters Server: Bristlebane Characters Level: 77 Characters Class: Ranger Describe One Characters Equipment: Has 4 parts of tier 3 SoD armor not equiped is level 77 and has 33243 plat on him. has 59 aa's and is flagged for crystollis, MMM and void D. How Many Alts over Level 50?: Alternate Character Server: Bristlebane Alternate Character Level: 80 Alternate Character Class: Shaman Alternate Character Server: Bristlebane Alternate Character Level: 80 Alternate Character Class: Monk Alternate Character Server: Bristlebane Alternate Character Level: 80 Alternate Character Class: Cleric Alternate Character Server: Bristlebane Alternate Character Level: 75 Alternate Character Class: Wizard Alternate Character Server: Bristlebane Alternate Character Level: 77 Alternate Character Class: Ranger Characters Transferrable?: Yes Expansions: All
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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