Selling  Bringing Back my LEVELING Services

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Boosting and Leveling - Buy Sell Trade' started by hulkmaster, 2/18/23.

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  1. hulkmaster

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    It's been nearly 5 Years since I last offered services and we're BACK!

    Do you value your time and your Wizards? Well you've come to the right place!

    I offer 2 different variations of packages you can choose from depending on how much you want to spend! The difference is the timing. I'm someone who values efficiency and quality over anything while earning something I can pay rent with and be able to sustain myself.

    Here are my listings below:

    Offering Exclusive Leveling Services for Wizard101!

    Worlds Basic Package:

    Wizard City: $3.00 - ETA: 1H
    Krokotopia: $3.50 - ETA: 1H
    Marleybone: $5.00 - ETA: 2H
    Mooshu: $8.50 - ETA: 1D
    Dragonsphyre: $9.00 - ETA: 1.5D
    Celestia: $10.50 - ETA: 1.5D
    Zafaria: $12.00 - ETA: 1.5D
    Avalon: $13.50 - ETA: 2.5D
    Azteca: $15.00 - ETA: 3D
    Khrysalis P1: $13 - ETA: 2D
    Khrysalis P2: $13 - ETA: 2.5D

    Worlds Premium Package:

    Wizard City: $5.00 - ETA: 20-30M
    Krokotopia: $7.00 - ETA: 30-40M
    Marleybone: $7.00 - ETA: 45M-1H
    Mooshu: $9.50 - ETA: 50M-1.5H
    Dragonsphyre: $10.00 - ETA: 1.5-3H
    Celestia: $12.00 - ETA: 45M-1.5H
    Zafaria: $15.00 - ETA: 4-5H
    Avalon: $18.00 - ETA: 1-1.5D
    Azteca: $25.00 - ETA: 1.5-2D
    Khrysalis P1: $25 - ETA: 7-8H
    Khrysalis P2: $25 - 8-10H

    I also offer strictly levels over worlds which are below :)


    Level Pack 1

    1-10: $1.00

    Level Pack 2

    11-20: $5.00

    Level Pack 3

    21-30: $8.50

    Level Pack 4

    31-40: $10.00

    Level Pack 5

    41-50: $12.00

    Level Pack 6

    51-60: $15.00

    Level Pack 7

    61-70: $17.50

    Level Pack 8

    71-80: $22.50

    Level Pack 9

    81-90: $27.50

    While the World ones revolve around me completing each world, simple levels I can get done WAY sooner than you'd anticipate!

    You can reach out to me on Discord for any questions or if you'd like to purchase some services :)

    >>>> Froggo#9999

    Note: By making a purchase, you agree that there are NO refunds and that I reserve the right to postpone progress if anything were to come up that is a priority. I may cancel and refund a purchase of a given amount (if progress has already been made) or entirely (if nothing was done) if there were to be a situation that needs my immediate attention. Other than the following, no refunds will be accepted.
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