SELLING ACCOUNT TO PAY COLLEGE EXPENSES ⭐️Lvl: 203 ⭐️Brawlers: 53 ⭐️Trophies: 31800+ ⭐️Skins: 38 ⭐️Change name: FREE ⭐️Gems: 106 (you will be able to purchase brawl pass while the season ends) ⭐️Coins: 2600+ ⭐Club points: 2500+ (enough to buy 1 skin) ⭐️Star points: 26000+ (enough to buy at least 3 skins) ⭐️Gear pieces: 50+ ⭐️Scrap: 2000+ ⭐️Loads of pins ⭐️I will store boxes for new owner (currently: 15) The account is binded to a supercell ID with a safe e-mail which was created especially for the brawl stars account. After payment you will receive the account instantly (Email and password + all information you need) ⭐️Payment method: Paypal, Skrill, . ⭐️Price: $180 ⭐️Contact: DM via PlayerUp Discord: pactus#7741