Selling Brawl stars 60k+ trophy 23 rank 30 large number of exclusive skins

Discussion in 'Brawl Stars Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Flux Gaming, 7/4/24.

  1. Flux Gaming

    Flux Gaming
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    Dream_Maker bs homescreen.jpg
    Dream_Maker bs brawlers.jpg

    This account contains a large number of gems (previously imported from Clash Mini, not #), and many rank 30 brawlers, as well as many exclusive skins which are no longer available to purchase in the shop.


    8-Bit; 8-Bit Classic, Virus 8-Bit, V8-Bit

    Amber; De La Vega

    Angelo; Elf Angelo

    Ash; Ninja Ash

    Barley; Golden Barley, Wizard Barley, Bakesale Barley, Maple Barley, Red Wizard Barley

    Bea; Ladybug Bea, Mega Beetle Bea, Neko Bea, Gold Neko Bea

    Belle; Belle Goldhand

    Bibi; Heroine Bibi, Zombibi, Bibilante, Vicious Bibi

    Bo; Light Mecha Bo, Gold Mecha Bo, Horus Bo, Warrior Bo, Ho Ho Ho Bo

    Bonnie; Empress Bonnie, Unicorn Bonnie, Footbonnie

    Brock; Beach Brock, Lion Dance Brock, Hot Rod Brock, Super Ranger Brock, Old School Brock, Hacker Brock, Super Ranger Brock Red, Super Ranger Brock Blue, Super Ranger Brock Yellow

    Bull; Viking Bull, Touchdown Bull, Linebacker Bull, Barbarian King Bull, B-800

    Buster; Chainsaw Buster

    Buzz; Director Buzz, Kaiju Buzz, Fenrir Buzz, Eldr Fenrir Buzz, Mork Fenrir Buzz, Godzilla Buzz

    Byron; Wizard Byron

    Carl; Road Rage Carl, Captain Carl, Biker Carl, Goblin Carl

    Charlie; Amazing Charlie

    Chester; Dark Chester, Wood Spirit Chester

    Colette; Trixie Colette, Navigator Colette, True Silver Colette

    Colt; Rockstar Colt, Royal Agent Colt, Outlaw Colt, Corsair Colt, Gunslinger Colt, Dark Angel Colt

    Cordelius; Poison Cordelius, Sporemind Cordelius

    Crow; Gold Mecha Crow, Night Mecha Crow, Captain Crow, Crowbone

    Darryl; Dumpling Darryl, Mega Box Darryl, Omega Box Darryl

    Doug; Draco Doug

    Dynamike; Spicy Mike, Robo Mike, Classic Dynamike

    Edgar; Orochi Edgar, Blackbird Edgar

    El Primo; El Rudo Primo, El Rey Primo, El Atomico, El Corazon

    Emz; Mean Girl Emz, True Silver Emz

    Eve; Spiky Eve

    Fang; Furious Fang

    Frank; Caveman Frank, DJ Frank, Holiday Party Frank

    Gale; Merchant Gale, Nutcracker Gale

    Gene; Pirate Gene, Evil Gene

    Gray; Runaway Gray, Detective Gray, Detective Gray Noir Edition

    Grom; Frankengrom

    Gus; World Champion Gus, Boy Scout Gus

    Hank; Shark Tank Hank

    Jacky; Ultra Driller Jacky

    Janet; Valkyrie Janet, G-Force Janet

    Jessie; Dragon Knight Jessie, Red Dragon Jessie, Cat Burglar Jessie

    Kit; Kitboxer

    Leon; Shark Leon, Werewolf Leon, Leon The Stray

    Lola; Rebel Lola

    Lou; Smooth Lou, Burger Lou

    Maisie; Tech Maisie

    Mandy; Magma Mandy, MC Mandy, Hanbok Mandy

    Max; GT Max, Streetwear Max, Cony Max

    Mico; Grouch Mico

    Mortis; Rockabilly Mortis, Top Hat Mortis, True Gold Mortis, True Silver Mortis

    Mr.P; Agent P, Count Pengula, Mr.Fly

    Nani; Retro Nani

    Nita; Panda Nita, Shiba Nita, Koala Nita

    Otis; W Otis

    Pam; Evil Queen Pam, Stonks Pam

    Pearl; Vintage Pearl, Periscope Pearl

    Penny; Lil Helper Penny, Bunny Penny, Dark Bunny Penny, Trash Panda Penny, Moon-Curser Penny

    Piper; Pink Piper, Cupid Piper

    Poco; Serenade Poco, Pirate Poco, Poco Starr

    R-T; Crimson R-T

    Rico; Loaded Rico, Ricochet, Firefly Rico

    Rosa; Major Rosa

    Ruffs; Marshal Ruffs

    Sam; Caesar Sam, Sam The Teddy

    Sandy; Sleepy Sandy, Lantern Sandy

    Shelly; Bandita Shelly, Star Shelly, PSG Shelly, Princess Shelly, Classic Shelly, Shelly Dancer, Squad Buster Shelly

    Spike; Robo Spike, Mask Spike

    Sprout; Tropical Sprout, Lunar Sprout, Emerald Sprout, Corrupted Sprout

    Squeak; Ghost Squeak, Squeaky Note

    Stu; Superstar Stu, Wicked Stu

    Surge; Mecha Paladin Surge, DIY Surge, Surge Kong, Scarlet paladin Surge

    Tara; Stara, Street Ninja Tara

    Tick; King Crab Tick, Snowman Tick, Mecha-Tick Ghidorah, Mecha-Tick Ghidorah Dark, Mecha-Tick Ghidorah Light

    Please contact @cookie492 on discord before placing order
    For any enquiries, please also contact @cookie492

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