Good day, Summoners! Are you a returnee from Old Days? Want to catch up with the old monsters? avail my services now! I'll be opening my boosting service starting today! If you ever need some help on leveling & acquiring spheres, finishing hard raids, 100% Grand Quest, I'd be happy & willing to provide the service for you! Note: Minimum purchase for service should be $5 Acquiring Spheres: Rates: 1$ Any Sphere Exalted Tokens 500 tokens - $10 Level Boosting Rates: 1-200 ($5) 200-400 ($5) 400-600 ($7) 600-800 ($10) 800-999($15) Arc Summoner Boosting 1-100 - $10 100-200 - $10 200 - 500 - $30 (Arc Summoner boosting is difficult, considering the STP needed, usually takes 3-7 days) EXP BADGE/TOKENS: 2x Exp Token 300 pcs - $5 2x Exp Token 1000 pcs - $12 Omni Evolution Materials 1000 pcs (per element) - $3 Items / Raid Materials x99 each - $1 Imp/Frog/Boosting: Imp Arton x50 - $5 Burst Queen x50 - $5 Unit Boosting: Omni +3 Unit + Fully Imped- $3 (per unit) Minimum purchase of 5 units (per team) Note that Everything is safe as long as you don't abuse your account. Heaven's Edge & Sky Orb Sphere are disabled for RANK 999 Restriction & THANATOS Arena Reward. For more info: PM ME HERE or ADD ME IN DISCORD: Luck#8410 You may also email me (for safety of scammers & dupes) : [email protected] You may also add my personal Facebook. account given upon claiming a service! To avoid being scammed, Drop your discord in conversation/private message. THANKS ALL!