Sold Brave frontier Europe God tier account ( Literally)

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bakecchi, 3/11/17.

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  1. Bakecchi

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    Hello everyone, today I'm selling my brave frontier RPG account since I dont have time to play it anymore.
    First of all I've been playing the game since release, I got every units as from March 2017 including the omni/7 evo of them and they're all maxed out ( europe exclusive, collab, and the rest), and all sphere as well ( well I'm missing some raids sphere and the Galactic sphere too)

    About the account stats, the account is level 412, arena rank is Lantern with 902K points, Frontier Hunter rank is 67 and Raid rank is RC6.

    About completion, everything in the vortex is cleared ( GGC, Ultimate challenge, etc etc) every quest area/mission are done exept Neo Avalon one ( also I didnt run RC6 missions yet) GQ are also cleared, all trials are also done as of last patch of march 2017.

    About misc, the account got 1055 units slots, 800 items slot ( you can craft w/e potion etc you want, I got every mat), I got 302K honor point as well and there's no gem in the account, friend is list a 100/100 as well with only good leaders.

    So yeah, you wont find any account like this in the market for sure, so it's only for real serious buyer who are willing to put a good amount of money in it.
    I will provide every details necessary ( screenshot etc) via my skype and we will discuss about the price there too, my skype is sm0kemyweed
    I've spent thousand and thousand of hours/money into this game so I expect to sell this account not under the 800€.
    Ofc a very trusted middleman is requiered for such a transaction.

    As above I will provide everything you want to know via skype.

    That's it for me cheers brave frontier fellows.

    Edit: I will still play the game ( when I can) while waiting for someone who is willing to buy the account so you dont miss anything during that time.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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