selling high end brave frontier global account level 129 arena rank archfiend 180 000 hunter rank 8 88 gems to spend have medulla and sacred jewels and lots of muramasa dragon blades notable units 6 stars all with sbb eze 2x atro selena magress vargas lance will douglas 2x behemoth sea king mega notable units complete maidens all 6 5x serin = 4 five stars and 1 four stars 5x cayena = 2 five stars and 3 three stars complete sybil sisters all element have ZEBRA, gilnea Have xenon and estia have KARL AND SERIA complete vortex units galant, nemia, zeln,alma and oboro other units fire vargas 4x aside from the 6 star lancia 5 star vishra 4 star water mega 5 star selena x 2 4 star sergio 3 stars elimo 5 stars earth 2x lance leore thunder eze 4 star amy 3 stars light 3x atro 4 stars luna 5 stars dark 4 x magress 3 and 4 stars 5 star mifune 4 star lodaga 5 star oboro 4 star logan i dont know how much to sell just looking for offers thank you you can message me at wechat my id is razz08 thanks up up How much?