BR32 Vanu Ceres (+3000sc=30$ spent on bundle and discounts) 80

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/27/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    ill either trade with an equal value TR account on Eu servers only or sell so i can buy station cash on a new TR account)

    Vanu have the best light assault

    close & medium range - VX6-7 (+Advanced Laser,Soft Point ammo, Reflex x1) -Best TTK

    medium & long range - Pulsar C (+Advanced Forward Grip, High Velocity ammo, Compensator, Reflex x2) -No bullet drop

    Auraxium metal on Solstice and 400 kills to Auraxium on Pulsar C , your next unlock should be VX6-7

    I want to roll TR cause my friends (


    Old post now BR60

    - - - Updated - - -

    New thread up
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