As the title says this for a BR 98 Male TR Character on Mattherson US East server. Asking $100 for the account which is a STEAL at this price! One in a million find for some lucky person! I don't have as much time to play anymore and want to get rid of this. Can provide more info and screenshots etc for SERIOUS buyers! Payment via PAYPAL ONLY. You must have a verified Paypal account and be willing to use some form of voice chat. Example - vent/mumble/TS/skype Account has a TON of played time over 2700+ facilities captured and 3700+ facilities defended. Including over 79,000 total cert points covering the whole account. UN-USED Boosts include: 1x - Experience Boost 1day 1x - Experience Boost 1hour 2x - Experience Boost 3days and 1x - Experience Boost 7days Certification Summary Classes: Infiltrator 34% Combat Medic 47% Heavy Assault 48% Light Assault 36% Engineer 53% Max 46% Vehicles: Flash 14% Sunderer 53% Prowler 52% Liberator 60% Harasser 35% Lightning 11% Mosquito 66% Galaxy 47% Squad Leader 81% Account Weapons include: Light Assault: AS16 NightHawk, FA1 Barrage, LC3 Jaguar, SMG-46 Armistice T5 AMC, TRAC-5, TRAC-5 S and TRS-12 Uppercut Engineer: AS16 NightHawk, FA1 Barrage, LC3 Jaguar, SMG-46 Armistice T5 AMC, TRAC-5, TRAC-5 S and TRS-12 Uppercut Medic: TAR, TRS-12 Uppercut, T1 Cycler and SMG-46 Armstice Heavy Assault: Striker, Decimator, Annihilator, ML-7, TMG 50, Mini Chain Gun T9 CARV, T32 Bull, T16 Rhino, TMG-50 and TRS-12 Uppercut Infiltrator: 99SV, HSR-1, RAMS .50M, SMG-46 Armistice, TRAP-M1 Max: Dual Burster, Dual Mercy, Dual Cycler, Dual Pounder Heg Vehicle Weapons: Prowler: Main- AP, HE, Heat Secondary- Marauder, Ranger, Vulcan, Halberd Lightning: Skyguard Harrasser: Vulcan, Halberd Sunderer: Dual Furys, Walker, Ranger, Bulldog, Kobalt (For all intensive purposes, fully upgraded, 24%) Flash: Fury Mosquito: m18 rotary, banshee, hellfires, tomcats Liberator: Tankbuster, dalton, zephyr, bulldog, walker Appearance Customizations: Camo useable on all Infantry, Vehicles and Guns: Amerish Brush, Amerish Scrub, Cells, Esamir Snow, Forest Greyscale, Jungle Forest Loyal Soldier, Northern Forest and Zebra Armor to compliment the look of your soldier: Infiltrator: Composite Armor Light Assault: Composite Armor Combat Medic: Composite Armor and Drakon Armor Engineer: Composite Armor and Drakon Armor Heavy Assault: Composite Armor and Drakon Armor Max: Composite Armor Helmets: Infiltrator: Dreadnought Helmet Light Assault: Dreadnought Helmet Combat Medic: Dreadnought Helmet and Maniac Helmet Engineer: Dreadnought Helmet and Maniac Helmet Heavy Assault: Dreadnought Helmet Max: Standard Helmet Account has 500+ certs useable right now! .; Bump! Still looking to sell and the char is now BR99. Bump! Lowering asking price to $75 via paypal Still available? Still available. Character is now midway between BR99 and 100. I also used one of the 3 day boosts trying to get it to 100. If you are interested and have a verified paypal account we can set something up. $50??