Nearly every gun on NC unlocked. 3200 certs, 2825 Station cash. membership until 11/20/2013 almost completely certed out in liberator, reaver, vanguard, lightning, harasser, flash (exlusive Nvidia pack Zephyr PX for liberator) every NS weapon unlocked except for the LMG and the black/gold versions (platinum NS-11A unlocked) every class fully certed into (engineer almost fully certed with max rank repair tool) 2.94 KDR 360 score per minute 874 flare gun kills :P alpha squad, loyal soldier, and the exclusive Nvidia camo, indar rock, amerish scrub, giraffe, grey scales, palm, snow aspen forest ARMOR CAMOS alpha squad, loyal soldier, exclusive Nvidia camo, amerish scrub, grey scales, urban forest VEHICLE CAMOS alpha squad, loyal soldier, exclusive Nvidia camo, desert scrub V2, digital VEHICLE CAMOS pyro, veteran, loyal soldier, exterminator, and founder titles all class composite armors including max, all class composite helmets including max, Djinn helmet, MT regulator helmet for max. various decals for all classes/vehicles. overall a very completed account with nearly all unlocks and lots of cosmetics, and well known on the server. bonus: BR 30ish TR and VS characters with SMG's and various other guns unlocked, with fairly certed tanks/ESF's looking for 550$ PM me for account name if you would like to see stats. .; also taking offers on the account.