VIP 0 account BR 16,5 million Arena Rank 64 Ultimate Level 32 Divine Realms - activated all (Zeus, Aphrodite, Athena, Arachne) Twilight Set Aura activated Aegis - Glory of the frost, Glory of the flame, Glory of the storm Metamorph - Dark-winged Lord, +12 others Wings #3 Divine armor - all activated Mercenary - Oathbreaker Mounts - Winter Sleigh, Fairy Chariot, + 13 ohers Legendary pets: Lucifron Other pets #57 Awakening pets #20 Wrathwings #41 Light Ultima lvl 28; Shadow Ultima lvl 16 Sage's Tome upgraded some of the stats. see video Class Promotion S; Skills maximum lvl to set for first 2, almost done third one. Wrath Aura #4 Mecha Weapon: see video for affinity. Owned all