Sold Botting Tool - Generate ACCOUNTS by Yourself - PRIVATE

Discussion in 'Spotify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hektor74, 11/26/21.

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  1. Hektor74

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    Hello fellas,

    We want to introduce our Spotify Account Generator Tool. The tool itself is unique, i.e it's private created by ourselves. Our tool currently is creating only two type of accounts:

    - Free
    - Spotify Premium Individual

    Soon we are going to release and third type of account which can be created and it's Premium Duo, there will be linked two accounts to Duo so there's no problem for using for your purposes. The tool is bypassing Spotify's system so we can create up to 500 accounts per day.
    Currently we're targeting US/UK/DE/FR/IT, more coming soon!
    When purchasing the tool you'll be granted with package of proxies which can be used during the process of creating the accounts. Note that accounts' mails aren't temp! They're "organic".
    You can use the tool for personal usage or you can combine it with selling the accounts. If you're interested and want to get more information, just contact us!

    1 SOLD!
    E-mail: forbidden144
    Discord: Samulz# 9018
    Telegram: @Samulz6
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