[#] New World Fishing # | Smart Fisher by Railgun81

Discussion in 'All Other Game & Marketplace Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Railgun81, 9/18/21.

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  1. Railgun81

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    Please pay your attention!

    This is not a full-fledged project. I have made a prototype for an overview of my work capabilities in making automated things.

    New World Smart Fisher

    By Railgun81#3675

    Total number of pre-orders: 90 (updated 19/09/2021 02:00 GMT +3)

    What makes Smart Fisher the best on the market?

    Fully automated and transparent in usage

    Uses advanced pixel detection

    Gives access to fast fishing

    - Code is extremely simplified and can run on low-end PC's

    - Smart Fisher is never going to fail unless you setup it wrong

    - Smart Fisher uses saltwater or freshwater bait and is able to automatically change when the slot is empty

    - Smart Fisher has a different types of checks for every step in the process

    - There is an auto-repairing feature that allows Smart Fisher to reset every 15 caught fish

    - There is a low latency mode that allows Smart Fisher to use the optimal time between all actions

    How do I buy Smart Fisher and what do I need to know?

    1. By subscribing to Smart Fisher you will receive a licensed key that works for 1 month through e-mail and/or discord.

    Please remember that you can activate it only once - Smart Fisher key doesn't work for multiple PCs. (1 key = 1 PC).

    2. Latest version of Windows 10 is strongly preferable for Smart Fisher to work properly.

    3. All licensed keys will be given out on 27-28th of September, for now Smart Fisher subscription works as a pre-order.

    4. If you make a pre-order between 15/09/2021 00:01 and 17/09/2021 23:59 you will get 1 MONTH FOR FREE (4.495$ for 1 month).


    Timeline Price
    From 15/09/2021 00:01 to 17/09/2021 23:59 (GMT +3) 8.99$ for 2 month (4.495$ per month)
    From 18/09/2021 00:01 to 20/09/2021 23:59 (GMT +3) 8.99$ for 1 month
    From 21/09/2021 00:01 to 27/09/2021 23:59 (GMT +3) 10.99$ for 1 month
    From 28/09/2021 00:01 (GMT +3) 12.99$ for 1 month

    5. There is an option to subscribe for more than 1 month in advance and get a #:

    2 months = 5% #
    3 months and more = 10% #


    Q: Will there be any more functions added to the #?
    A: Yes, since I've changed Smart Fisher to a monthly subscription, I plan long-term support of this project. Therefore new functions and improvements are TBA.

    Q: How hard is it to install the program? Can one program be installed on two PC's and which Windows is it suitable for?
    A: Exceptionally simple to install. Works only for 1 PC, Win10 is strongly recommended.

    Q: How are you dealing with the catch animation which you sometimes have? Do you quick-cancel the animation by left-clicking or do you actually have code to re-focus a target point?
    A: Smart Fisher is fully automated, which means code does everything for you.

    Q: Is it something memory-related or it just reads screen pixels?
    A: Smart Fisher is a pixel #, technically the safest one available. These kinds of # are safest by default since they only read pixels and don't integrate into a process (simulation of keyboard and mouse inputs).

    Q: Is it easy to Use? And does it work for long periods without problems?
    A: Yes, Smart Fisher is really easy to set up and use. It can work for more than 3 hours easily, you can watch my test on YouTube. I was running it for 20+ hours without problems in one test, but sometimes there can be unexpected occasions like server crashes.

    Q: If you got the fish hooked does the # pull it most efficient (in the green zone) or in orange/red?
    A: Smart Fisher has the best logic which helps it to catch fish in the most efficient and fastest way.

    Q: Is there any way around Steam Anti #?
    A: Smart Fisher can't be detected by Steam Anti # or EAC due to the way it operates.

    Q: if I reinstall OS should I buy the # again?
    A: No. You will have to message me and I will change your licensed activation key.

    Q: The video shows that you select between freshwater and saltwater bait. But how does the # picks the bait if you have multiple freshwater baits for example?
    A: Currently Smart Fisher will pick the first available bite (the one on the left).

    Q: Does your # work with hotspots?
    A: Smart Fisher is the best to use at hotspots. Unlike other #, Smart Fisher can fish there without any interrupts.

    Q: Is it a lifetime or monthly subscription?
    A: Monthly subscription.

    Q: Can I do anything while the # is running?
    A: No, you must not interact with your mouse and keyboard for Smart Fisher to work properly.

    Q: Where can I see more detailed instructions on how to use a #?
    A: More information will be sent in the TOS document with the licensed key.

    Please make sure that I will receive the requested amount of money. It's up to You, as a customer, to pay commission for the payment.

    For example, if you are buying 1 month on the 19th of September, I need to receive exactly 8.99$.

    Currently donations are available through PayPal and cryptocurrency

    Make sure to choose "friend/private" as a type of payment

    Please contact me directly in discord before paying!​

    Find me here:

    Discord: Railgun81#3675

    YouTube channel: Railgun81
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