Selling Boosting/Selling Pokemon Go Accounts by Darkbash

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Boosting for Sale - Buy POGO Powerleveling' started by G0D Kirito, 7/28/16.

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  1. G0D Kirito

    G0D Kirito
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    Darkbash boosting and selling Pokemon Go account service

    Do you have already your own account and you want to get some lvls on it?
    Then try one of our boosting packs.. Contact me on my FB Page or on my Email with your account info and the service you want to use.

    Are you interested in buying a fresh account that contains 60+ Pokedex Pokemon and over 60k stardust & lots of lures/lucky eggs/incense/PokeBalls?
    Then get one stock account from here 18-20 Lvl Accounts -


    1) I didn't get my account details?
    -> Double Check your email and spam as well. If there is still nothing email me or PM here. (I will respond in max 12h)

    2) Where are account details?
    ->you should see account details in email like
    [username][:][password] [=]
    example: littlekalista:pass123 = [email protected]

    3) I can't log-in (can't authenticate to server) Check server status in this link!

    [COLOR=#ff0000]ToS - the accounts come with no guarantee, after purchase of account. It is your responsibility to not use any exploits or anything that could get you banned. Once you purchase an account means you agree to this term.[/COLOR]

    Email: [email protected]
    FB Page:
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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