Selling [Boosting] (pc only) baby grinders

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by grio86, 5/21/24.

  1. grio86

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    Our services lack experience at grinding black desert so for a limited time we are offering at cost of 1$ a hour. You will only have one booster for your service. We keep boosters with the customer so no need to worry about boosters cycling in.

    -streaming will be conducted, it is recommended that you are able to give input to the booster during their sessions. They all can effectively communicate in written English.
    -A gaming VPN can be used upon request

    -We reserve the right to refuse additional orders or orders too large for this service.
    -We will only refund the service cost upon any issues arising
    -boosters may lack skill or knowledge for specific tasks. They will do their best to figure it out with aid of YouTube and other sources.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.