BOOSTING GENSHIN IMPACT ---------------------- -BLESSING SHOP- --------------------- SERVICE LIST A. Statue of the Seven and Frostbearing Tree 1. Geoculus Max Level ($10) 2. Anemoculus Max Level ($5) 3. Crimson Agate 6 Level ($7) B. Ascend Materials 1. Material Ascend Phase 1 : $1 2. Material Ascend Phase 2 : $1 3. Material Ascend Phase 3 : $1 4. Material Ascend Phase 4 : $2 5. Material Ascend Phase 5 : $3 6. Material Ascend Phase 6 : $4 C. Gather Resources $10/1000 items (including one until four star items) D. Account Maintainance $1/day $5/week $15/month Benefits: -Daily Comission -Weekly Boss -Daily Resin -Crimson Wish, etc. E. Boosting AR 1-10 $2 10-20 $5 20-30 $8 30-40 $15 40-45 $25 **if you have any request, just contact me at discord Kreutzer#0995