Selling [Boosting] Cheapest boosting Hots

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 2KG, 8/26/18.

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  1. 2KG

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    Hi guys .

    Boosting Service Cheapest Price EU server
    (Just TL)(80% Winrate)

    Bronze5 -> Gold5 7.5 EURO
    Gold5 -> Plat5 7.5 EURO
    Plat5 -> Diamond5 10 EURO
    Diamond5 -> Master(1000K) 12.5 EURO
    Master(1000K) -> GM #1 15 EURO

    Bronze -> Diamond Party :
    2 man party will have 2.5 EURO more for each
    3 man party will have 10 EURO more for each

    BTC . Webmoney . paypal

    Can use middle man

    Please contact with me via PM or discord for more info - DarkN3SS#8959
    Thank you for reading
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