Selling  1-24 Hours Boosting Challenges - Pay what you want!

Discussion in 'Clash Royale Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by DQ4443, 9/21/19.

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  1. DQ4443

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    About Me:

    I’m a champion ranked logbait player, I’ve been ranked champion for the past two seasons (pre-season 1 and season 1) and haven’t really pushed recently, as I’m not as competitive on ladder as before. Now I just enjoy playing the events/special game modes that clash royale offers for my alts, eg. lumberjack dash, wall breaker dash, all kinds of drafts etc.

    Past experiences:

    For the global draft tournament last season or the season before (I can’t remember), I achieved 15-5, 14-5, 12-5, and 10-5 on my four accounts, and have been enjoying similar success for special event drafts, eg. the miner draft.

    My record for this season so far is 12-2, 12-4, 12-4, 12-3 for the miner draft, 9-1, 9-1, 9-0, 9-1 for the lumberjack rush, and am currently at 6-0 for one of my accounts for the night witch draft.

    What I offer:

    Event Boosting - I would like to boost any accounts in any/all of the special events, as the deck/card level is capped so doesn’t really matter. However, for events such as the lumberjack rush, you would need to have close to every card in the game to tournament standard, otherwise my optimal deck which I built specifically for each challenge and run for every account might not be viable for your account. Drafts shouldn’t be affected.

    Trophy Boosting - Preferably only classic logbait (knight or Valkyrie), as it is my specialty, but I can also try boosting other decks if you have significantly less trophies than your card levels, eg. LV 13 cards at master 1.


    This is more of a community service, and you can pay what you think the boost deserves. Keep in mind though that the people who have paid the most will get priority over those who pay less or not at all.


    Make sure to give me the signal to log in and wait for my signal before logging in to avoid duplicate logins and hassle from supercell. (None of us want that)


    If you are interested in getting a boost, leave a message here, pm me or add me on discord @ JDCOOL#0988. I check my discord the most, so adding me on discord will minimise my response time.
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