Selling Boost your account, catch a pokemon you want, or buy a brand new one!

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Boosting for Sale - Buy POGO Powerleveling' started by UnkownOwn, 8/2/16.

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  1. UnkownOwn

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    I offer multiple services for you. Feel free to choose whatever you need to improve your game experience!

    Account boosting:
    - level 1-10: 0,20$/level
    - level 11-20: 0,50$/level
    - level 20-30: 0,80$/level
    - level 30-40: 1$/level

    (I am able to generate about 30k exp/hour, so you are welcome to calculate estimated time of completing your order by using this table ‘Pokemon Go’ XP Per Level Chart: How Much You Need to Advance |

    Pokemon farming:
    I can farm almost anything you want for 3$/pokemon. However, I can't guarantee I will find proper location to farm, so feel free to PM me and discuss your requirement.

    Accounts in stock:

    - Level 24 with Gyarados, Venusaur, Blastoise and so on. Account has no team, but it has a nickname. 20$
    - Level 23 with a lot of rares. Account doesn't have nickname nor team. 17$
    - Level 21 with a lot of rares. Account doesn't have nickname nor team. 15$

    You can PM me if you have any questions or demand a specific service not listed here.
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