Selling ps4 account Includes Black ops 3 digital Deluxe(includes season pass) an every dlc weapon almostincludimg but not limited to, Skull crusher,mx garande,mx shadowclaw,Marshall 16,hg40gold,wrench,carver,mvp,l4 siege, Tabletop racing Tropic 5 Zombi(survival Rpg) Deadstar(strategy) The last of us remastered. The witcher 3 deluxe Dragon age requisition deluxe digital Plus many more things. Message me an offer Over 200$ worth of stuff on it Plus includes PS3 an vista games Borderlands 2 plus all dlc Poltergeist the pixelated horror Army of two the 40th day Resident evil 2
For more into you can find me on Facebook. Joseph Tigner or you can iMessage me at [email protected] or email