Sold [BNS TW] Selling high-end HM13 bladedancer

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RacquiesBNS, 2/26/17.

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  1. RacquiesBNS

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    Server: 萬夫莫敵
    Highly-geared LBD with all legendary accessories, weapon and bopae. Account comes along with Lvl50 LBD, Summ, Sin and Lvl38 FM. My LBD can easily dish out stable 150-200k dps even without soul.Around 250-300k burst with a fighting spirit+soul burn. My HM buff last up to 180-210 days.

    - AP: 992
    - Crit: 6853 (68.73%) (Easily 97-100% crit during combat)
    - Cdmg: 2423 (257.65%)
    - Element: Lightning 1169 (140.69%)
    - HP: 136k

    - Raven Lynblade Stage 6

    - Oathbreaker Soul Stage 1

    - Necklace: Oath Necklace Stage 10
    - Belt: Eternity Belt Stage 10
    - Bracelet: Divine Dragon Bracelet Stage 10 (Have a spare Tiger bracelet aswell)
    - Earring: Lightning BT Earring Stage 10
    - Ring: Lightning BT Ring Stage 10

    - Full Legendary BT Bopae (Max Stats)
    - Full Legendary Turtle Bopae (Max Stats)

    - Pulse Swift Badge, Primal Force Soul Badge, Transcedence Soul Badge, Tribute Soul Badge

    Gems please check through screenshot below, they're all 7sided purple (except black gem is 7sided blue)


    Dealing Method: Bank Transfer in Singapore
    Price: SGD$600 only

    Interested please find me in Discord:
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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