Server: 萬夫莫敵 Highly-geared LBD with all legendary accessories, weapon and bopae. Account comes along with Lvl50 LBD, Summ, Sin and Lvl38 FM. My LBD can easily dish out stable 150-200k dps even without soul.Around 250-300k burst with a fighting spirit+soul burn. My HM buff last up to 180-210 days. Stats: - AP: 992 - Crit: 6853 (68.73%) (Easily 97-100% crit during combat) - Cdmg: 2423 (257.65%) - Element: Lightning 1169 (140.69%) - HP: 136k Weapon: - Raven Lynblade Stage 6 Soul: - Oathbreaker Soul Stage 1 Accessories: - Necklace: Oath Necklace Stage 10 - Belt: Eternity Belt Stage 10 - Bracelet: Divine Dragon Bracelet Stage 10 (Have a spare Tiger bracelet aswell) - Earring: Lightning BT Earring Stage 10 - Ring: Lightning BT Ring Stage 10 Bopae: - Full Legendary BT Bopae (Max Stats) - Full Legendary Turtle Bopae (Max Stats) Badges: - Pulse Swift Badge, Primal Force Soul Badge, Transcedence Soul Badge, Tribute Soul Badge Gems please check through screenshot below, they're all 7sided purple (except black gem is 7sided blue) SREENSHOTS: Dealing Method: Bank Transfer in Singapore Price: SGD$600 only Interested please find me in Discord: