blizzard acount to selllll top 500 s1 ow hs acount + hots acount

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by valognes, 12/14/16.

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  1. valognes

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    add xelaygaming on skype

    only paypal

    overwatch top 500 s1 acount lvl 325 +

    hearstone acount almost all standar card with the new expantion i just put 400 usd on it

    hots rank 1 preseason acount with all gold hero to butcher patch

    also wow acount with a lot of rare mount on it

    i sell all my blizzard acount

    i can share my monitor for see my acount on skype and some screenshot if you want

    french is my first language sorry about my bad english
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