Sold Blitz / 37K Battles / 40 TierX / 1701 AvgDmg / 58,5 WinRate / 680K FreeXP / 17M Credits / 60K Gold

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Blitz Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Blitz Account' started by Geraldissimus, 5/9/23.

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  1. Geraldissimus

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    the account was created on 05.11.2014 by me personally .

    Greetings to you ! In connection with the creation of the new Alt, I want to say goodbye to my main account on which I have been playing since 2014!

    Just about the main thing :
    The account will be completely yours
    - Mail is given to you
    -Passwords /logins to you
    -Further support ( if required )

    So , the account is 8 years old , which means that every year you will receive maximum rewards for WG birthdays as an old - timer of the game ) and this is a very pleasant plus . The account is suitable for both - beginners and people who do not want to spend all their free time pumping out research branches. The account has a lot of memorable avatars , both event and tournament . an exorbitant amount of time, effort, nerves and money was invested.

    now to the technique :
    -41 premium / 23 collections
    -40 X lvl
    And I would also like to add that many 7-10lvl tanks have camouflage for 5k rating battles. your enemy will appreciate you

    *now to the nuance . he is the only one - blocking the store (however , access is not necessary at all , because everything you need is already in the hangar). there is no access to the in - game store on this account . despite the presence of 60k gold , it is impossible to spend it at the moment . However , you can safely wait for the New Year 's auction and buy any tanks offered there . That is , in fact , after waiting for the auction and buying an AMX MLE , VK 90.01 , Badger in your hangar there , you will replenish your hangar with the most necessary tanks . It is possible to remove the lock from the store , but it is expensive . I personally said goodbye to this venture .

    Before buying, be sure to Accounts, because I am not in a hurry with the sale and I can not often check the status of my offer on the website.

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    #1 Geraldissimus, 5/9/23
    Last edited: 5/9/23
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