Bleach VIP 10 3.8 Mil BP T1 Hikifune, Kirinji, Hakuteken Byakuya

Discussion in 'Bleach Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DevilUS45, 7/16/16.

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  1. DevilUS45

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    US67 player quitting looking to sell my account for the cost of Hikifune alone, has 2 Premium Zanpakuto; Zangetsu, and Hyroinmaru along with basic zanpakuto's unlocked
    Partner List Includes
    Shura Kenpachi,
    Nozarashi Kenpachi,
    Shinso Gin,
    Krinji Tenjiro,
    Hakuteken Byakuya,
    Cute Orihime,
    Ultima Aizen and more!
    5 Sets of LVL 100 Ultimate Set
    1 Set 110 Ultimate Set
    T1 on Hikifune, Kirinji and Hakuteken
    LVL 8-11 Spirit Stones On ALL Toons in Formation
    Account is still active and has title Kenpachi Active, Mugetsu title and more
    Selling Price $200 Via Paypal or Offgamers
    will give account information the moment the top up is completed
    I am moving and will not be able to play any games for a while and wish to be able to top up a new account once I start playing again. (Hikifune alone costs $300 in any event you find her in) Fully Evo'd Hikifune, Hakuteken, Ultima Aizen and more
    This toon is in the #1 Ranked Guild Swords of Omens and has a strong group to play with, do camp with ect VERY ACTIVE COMPETITIVE SERVER! BE PREPARED!

    You are welcome to visit the server US67 and talk to me at any time about the account -MAGI
    or contact me via email at [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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