Selling Ranger Account. 67,5 k GS. 13 legendary 8 lvl 335 1 lvl 305 1 lvl 288 3 lvl 255 4L / arma 3/3 / BT 3/3 / arcaine Krystall 2/3 / sams 2/2 all Raid Ruler done divine 3 58,5% crit 1720-1840 dmg 22,5 k hp Cleared all hc and Kothas 2/2 Def 1700 SDEF 1820 Star Swift V -39 ( 3 3 3 3 4) AGI III -30 ( 4 3 5 dmg increase Rank S) Florisch II -20 Toar II -20 DPS 40k in raid only Middlesman Just PM if price is over 650 $ u will get an account with 17 legendary essences and 4 lvl 55 chars ( including 44k gs Paladin) Pm me here Or line killerpoke12
Still selling this account. 69k gs meanwhile switched to Forest. Unbuffed 37-40 k dps HP :23.150 Starcircle swift V-50 Agi lV 23 Legend 10 leg 335 1 leg 272 2 leg 252 Crit as forest atm 51,5 % I sell this account: with 3 more accounts when price is okay for me U will have over 3 k krystalls a lot of lvl 55 chars and u will get much lod on reset to open Contact me line killerpoke12