Sold Blademaster level 79 Server Tidewater

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FBUser9984, 11/2/17.

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  1. FBUser9984

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    Revelation Online account with a Blademaster level 79 on the European Tidewater server.

    I will keep to play until the sale, so there will be further improvements without any additional costs.
    At the moment: Equipment rate 188K + Might 327K + growing.​

    60 days of all premium account from 19/10/2017

    The gaming account comes with its Gmail account for password change.
    The Gmail account was created specifically for this game account and used only for this purpose.

    It has full PVE set made with demonslayer + 13 and a PVP Apocalypse helmet +16 lvl 78 3 slot pvp and 3 slot pve
    with all Tier open.

    I attach some screenshots below and a link with some others.

    Images updated today 28/10

    All marks PVE / PVP lvl 4 and 8 pieces is lvl 5 and some additional marks in inventory.
    Soul grid all crystals lvl 5 and 3 pieces is lvl 6. Additional crystals in inventory.

    I accept paypal payment in € or if you prefer also in bitcoin with tradeguardian.
    The price is 150 €. ($ 177 at today's exchange rate)

    I am available for any question here or on facebook. (leave a message to have the link to my facebook.)

    Thank you and good day


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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