Sold [BLACKMARKET] Account with Zeus CL LTI gamepackage + SQ42 and BMM LTI

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/FuzzRipper, 1/6/25.

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  1. /u/FuzzRipper

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    Hello everyone,
    As much as I want to love this game and 4.0, I still struggle a lot with its performance (maybe because of my computer), to the point where I don’t even feel like playing it anymore. Because of this, I’d rather use the money for something other than video games.

    None of the ships are gitable and that is the reason why I prefer to sell the whole account instead of the packages directly :)

    The total melt value is 429$

    I am looking for 275$

    Thank you very much.

    The most important pledges are:

    Banu Mertchantman LTI

    Zeus MK2 CL Game Package+ LTI + SQ42

    Zeus mk2 solstice paint

    Mediavac rescue light

    (1) I am "selling" the right to be added as an "Authorized User" to my account, which is allowed as per RSI's 2016 Terms of Service.

    (2) I will remain the original owner only in the event that official contact is required from the parent company (CIG).

    (3) I understand that my personal information may be permanently retained in the address and billing sections.

    I agree to the above clauses and will not attempt to access, recover or tamper with the said account unless it is requested by the Authorized User.

    # #/FuzzRipper
    # .
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