Pricing: Looking for a reasonable offer. Details bellow or CaiutZ#0370 - Discord preferable. REASON TO SELL: I'm looking to move to another Server, as the Omega Flight for me has been a pain in terms of ping. HIGHLIGH: Highest Black widow on Attack and Defense on OMEGA SERVER right now. MAIN: Black Widow for both PVP and PVE. It's full built, with 4 Sakaar Piece – Chest is already with 7 RED STARS, hair with 1 RED Star. Very good stats on all gears, including a recent reroll on a 3 ATK + 2 CRIT RATE on Hair. The first Sakaar piece to get the Hair to Red Stars can be obtained this week after the Store Update (It has enough Special Tokens for a Costume Selection Box). OMEGA CARDS: 5-Set with Special Cards 6 stars. One Rare card 6-stars complete the set. Plenty more on the other heroes to keep building them. BADGES: Plenty of other Red Badges to build other heroes (besides the ones in BW). SPECIALIZATION: BW is already full built, only working on level 9/10 on the main ones. Plenty of other resources to put into Iron Man / Spider Man as the new owner wish (Both on level 100, IM 618.000 power and SM on 480 Power). Dr. Strange is next and already has 4-star costume on it. POTENTIAL: All maxed out for BW. Still 1000 on inventory (box) to decide which hero will be next. TITLES: All titles owned, including #1 DZ (103 total) SQUAD RANK: 180 and growing. Only 3 heroes on the account right now, as the others were used since launch for leveling up (you can level them again to get even higher Squad Rank). ACCOUNT LINK: Linked to Facebook. (main way to login). You can still link to IOS and Forum. Google Play is the only one that can't be used/changed. Any questions, let me know on Discord.