Buying Black Ops 3 Account (Xbox One)

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by i AiR, 10/3/16.

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  1. i AiR

    i AiR
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    Hello Everyone,

    I am interested in buying an Xbox One Black Ops 3 that's at least Prestige Master with Dark Matter & Hero Gear.

    DLC Weps don't matter but if the account has DLC weps, I will appreciate it so much.

    I am only looking to pay less than $30 for the account and I will use MIDDLEMAN ONLY!

    If you're interested into selling me a account with the listed requirements above, please send me a message on PlayerUp or my k....i....k OR Skype.

    My K.....I....K is _imron973
    My Skype is kingimron911

    Please I am interested into an account with the listed requirements above and I'll only do MIDDLEMAN.
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  2. bassaji13

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    Hey i want the account can we gameshare i have gta v digital i have halo 5 guardians i have tomb raider and i have 56 games ready to install including tom clancys
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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