Selling  North America  60+  Wizard Black Desert Online Account - Level 61+ (11 Charakter )

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vinioscio, 12/14/22.

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  1. vinioscio

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    My Location:
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    Main Wizzard
    LVL 63 with 2816 sp
    316 / 314 / 402 (717 GS)

    Tag: Gardian
    LVL 62 with 2494 sp

    -24 Characters
    - Level 61+ (11 Charakter )
    - Level 60+ (6 Charakter )
    - Level 50- 59 (7 Charakter )

    other important data:
    - V I MUST
    -T9 Pegasus level 40 ( all important Skills )
    - Six sets of (Main Weapon, Awakening and Sub) reroll coupons x5
    - 11x T4 pets + 2x T3.
    - Radiant Fairy with auto pot V and weight level IV.
    - Infinite Potion HP
    - as 85b + in Storage
    - 3500+ Cron Stones
    - 3400+ Caphra Stones
    -3300+ Ancient Spirit Powder
    - Dou Manos Accessories / Mon Manos Gather's Clothes & Tri Loggia Craftsman's Clothes

    Pearl Stuff
    - 20 Warehouse Maids
    - 21 Market Maids
    - Pearl Shop
    - Inventory +4
    - Inventory +8

    there are unactivated/unused pearl items worth around 55.350 pearls/600+€ in value alone

    - 1053 Blue Lootscrolls
    - 74 Yellow Lootscrools
    - 20 days VP without activation
    - 42 Gold Bell
    - 21 days Old Moon Book unactivated

    - Liquid cash is around 85B

    my discord is : gabrielita#5218

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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