Hello I’m selling an SSA KOTZ account level 70 based on E31-CETUS List Saints : All their 8th sense are at their highest level SS Thanatos : 5555 Hypnos : 5555 Athena Gc : 5555 Hades : 5555 Artemis : 5555 Persephone : 5555 Poseidon : 4455 Sasha : 1111 List duplicate : Athena Gc x3, Hades x4, Hypnos x2, Thanatos x3 EX Ophiuchus : 2555 Alone : 5555 Athena Exclamation : 5554 Sasha : 5535 List duplicate : Ophiuchus ,Alone S Mayura : 1222 Milo : 5555 Shaka : 4555 Camus : 1533 Mu : 5555 Shura : 1545 Aphrodite : 5555 Aldebaran : 1524 Deathmask : 4534 Saga : 4555 Aiolia : 5455 Arayashiki : 5455 Shion : 5555 Aiolos : 1534 Doko : 4555 Pope : 5535 Golden Seiya : 2222 Nebula Shun : 1223 Gold Hyoga : 2545 Orphée : 5555 Gemini Kanon : 3555 Shijima : 2423 Deathtoll : 1142 Cain : 5555 Gestalt : 3444 Suikyo : 5455 Sea Dragon Kanon : 1541 Sorrento : 1545 Krishna : 1155 Saori : 5555 Ikki Gc : 4555 Seiya Gc : 2555 Shiryu Gc : 5555 Shun Gc : 3555 Hyoga Gc : 5455 Aiola Gc : 1455 Milo Gc : 5555 Aldebaran Gc : 5555 Doko Gc : 5555 Camus Gc : 3555 Albafica : 5455 Kardia : 3535 Rhadamanthys : 5555 Minos : 5555 Garuda : 1533 Pandora : 3445 Evil Saga : 5555 Underworld Shun : 5555 Myu : 5555 Balron : 5555 Sphinx : 1155 Surplice Shion : 5555 Commander Pandora : 1515 Surplice Shura : 5555 List duplicate : Mayura x2 Milo x4 Shaka x2 Camus Mu x2 Shura x2 Saga x3 Shion x2 Aiolos x2 Doko x3 Cain Sea Dragon Kanon Ikki Gc Seiya Gc Shiryu Gc Shun Gc Hyoga Gc Rhadamanthys x5 Minos Garuda Evil Saga Myu x3 Balron Sphinx Surplice Shura x2 About cosmos - 30 red cosmos S Double Speed / 34 cosmos SS Double Speed - 35 yellow cosmos S Double Speed / 44 cosmos SS Double Speed - 1 legendary cosmos S Double Speed / 23 cosmos SS Double Speed - 1 yellow cosmos SS Triple Speed They account has more than 1'300 gems, 62 skill books, 603 Growth books, 20 000 diamonds in the box. A lot of ressourves (for 8th sens, skin pavillon, star will, Rcs, Shards) boxes etc are still available in the inventory. All RCs are activated You’ll find several screen of : Temples Skin Pavillon Star Will Treasure Pavillon Flower Mixer rank 6 level 173 All Books are completed, Athena trial is completed too, Unless i get a serious offer i will continue investing these ressources on a day to day basis This is the account to purchase on the global version with the potential of them all Please send your offer if you are interested. Only serious offers please. More Info in DM. Screenshots possible.