Selling Beta Tester / Level 102 / Poolseidon / Archon Thanatos / Infernal Agni

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by liamm99, 8/9/17.

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  1. liamm99

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    Account Details

    Player Level: 102
    Gems: 25
    Favor: 19,741
    God Pack: Yes
    Total Number of Skins: 124
    Ward Skins: 28
    Icons: 38
    Most Valuable Skins: Poolseidon, Nuclear Winter Ymir, Archon Thanatos, Infernal Agni, Weltmeister 2014 skins, all convention skins up to and including 2015,
    Contains all items from the Odyssey 2015 event, original TSM Apollo etc.

    Account created January 2014, played thoroughly in to 2015. . Most exclusives and limited skins are from this time period, such as Poolseidon.

    Full Skin List Red = Limited Blue = Exclusive

    Agni: Volcanic, Swagni, Infernal
    AMC: Dark Whisperer
    Anhur: Olympian
    Anubis: Gravehound, Stargazer
    Aphrodite: Majestrix, Afro-dite
    Apollo: Elite Agent, TSM Apollo
    Arachne: Black Widow
    Ares: Diamond Sword, SWC 2015
    Artemis: Wrangler, Convention 2012, Stalker
    Athena: Red Star
    Bacchus: Father Chrishmash, The King
    Bakasura: Death Machine, Butcher, Feaster Bunny, Rage, Diamond
    Bastet: Covert Ops
    Cabrakan: Nerd Rage
    Chaac: Slaughterhouse
    Chang'e: Moonlight Love
    Chronos: Super Chronos 64
    Cupid: Lil Devil, Dr. Madlove
    Fenrir: Metal Carnage, Wreck the Halls, Lord Slashington
    Freya: Pixel Buster
    Geb: G.E.B.1
    Guan Yu: Convention 2014
    Hades: Soultaker
    He-Bo: He Bro, Infinity Wave
    Hel: Jingle-Hell
    Hercules: Grand Slam, Derpules, La Roca
    Hou Yi: Grim Eclipse
    Hun Batz: Shaolin Monkey, Space Monkey
    Isis: Scarlet Coven
    Janus: JT-6000
    Kali:Convention 2013, Trophy Hunter
    Khepri: Steel Scarab
    Kukulcan: Sacred Dragon
    Kumbhakarna: Pajama Party
    Loki: Infiltrator
    Mercury: Run.exe
    Ne Zha: Cyberpunk
    Neith: Buccaneith
    Nemesis: No Mercy, Blind Vengeance, Executioner
    Nu Wa: Nice and Naughty
    Odin: Mountain Man
    Poseidon: Dreadbeard, Poolseidon
    Ra: Alienware, Ra'merica
    Rama: Orbital Strike
    Scylla: Lil' Red
    Serqet: Dread Queen
    Sobek: High Seas
    Sun Wukong: Dark Lord
    Sylvanus: Season's Spirit
    Thanatos: Jack the Reaper, Archon
    Thor: Heavy Metal, Blood Eagle
    Tyr: Convention 2015
    Ullr: The Survivor, Berserker
    Vamana:Lil' Mana
    Vulcan: Sentry
    Xbalanque: Jaguar, Football Star 2014, Weltmeister 2014, SPL 2015 Eu + NA
    Ymir: Obsidian Shard, Digi-mir 9000,Nuclear Winter,Cacodemon
    Zhong Kui: Demon Catcher

    PM me or send me an email to [email protected] for more information or offers! Just looking to get rid of this account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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