Selling BEST OFFER GETS IT! Account for sale, lvl 47 hero,...

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Brendon Gugg, 1/15/15.

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  1. Brendon Gugg

    Brendon Gugg
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    BEST OFFER GETS IT! Account for sale, lvl 47 hero, lvl 16 sh, VIP10 with 38k gold plus 10 in the treasury coming out in 4 days, research is almost maxed to what i can do at lvl 16, almost all buildings are level 16. Had 16 mill power but lost all my troops and traps. all t3 unlocked except maybe one of the traps. 160k+ troops (now, might have up to 300k before purchase), tons of speed ups and forged items including good research boots and construction boosts.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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