Best Avatar set for turtle

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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    Whats the best avatar set for turtle?

    And what would be the best to boost attk , def , health or bunge?

    well it doesnt really matter what you wear as long as you have a good attack and shield which should be a bout 45+ each.

    napoleon head and body, blue phenoix, and robot x should give u some ownage stats.

    Zzz I have everything except Blue Phoenix ^^

    Originally Posted by SteveSOSP3

    napoleon head and body, blue phenoix, and robot x should give u some ownage stats.

    That costs one hell of a lot...

    Why Napoleon+Robo = 1.05kk

    Blue Phoenix is matter how many cash you have.

    Yeah well I consider that expensive. And because of the fact that you have to pay to get Blue Phoenix.

    But seriously even if I had enough to get Napolean I wouldn't. The hat is too darn big and makes you look weird...I always care about the way I look. I'd rather have a few less attack/def...

    Originally Posted by SteveSOSP3

    napoleon head and body, blue phenoix, and robot x should give u some ownage stats.

    replace robot x with zeus for the best avatar set
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