Selling Best and cheapest ids in the community (anime, 3 digits, words, names, lewd, @night's)

Discussion in 'Steam OG Usernames for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by General Forums &, 9/21/19.

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  1. General Forums &

    General Forums &
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    the ids come on a fresh account without oe access

    3 Digits
    /id/453 - $20
    /id/487 - $20
    /id/916 - $20
    /id/211- $25 - SOLD!
    /id/690 - $30

    Low Tier
    /id/fanged - $5 - SOLD!
    /id/cancelled - $5 - SOLD!
    /id/bossbaby- $10 - SOLD!
    /id/various - $15
    /id/credits- $15 - SOLD!
    /id/changelog - $15
    /id/amani - $20
    /id/bots- $20 - SOLD!
    /id/yox - $25
    /id/northern - $25 SOLD!
    /id/lyk - $25 - SOLD!
    /id/kel - $30
    /id/collapse - $30 - $20 offer
    /id/bland - $30 - SOLD!
    /id/locket - $30 - I took it for myself :3
    /id/sandstone - $30

    Medium Tier
    /id/eiffel - offer; no bin atm
    /id/dug - $40 - SOLD!
    /id/hut- $50 - SOLD!
    /id/neck- $50 - SOLD!
    /id/graph - $50 - SOLD!
    /id/foxy - $50
    /id/gasai - $50
    /id/dynasty - $60
    /id/futa - $80
    /id/judge - $80

    High Tier
    /id/twice - $100 - SOLD!
    /id/shot- $100 - SOLD!
    /id/precious - $100 - SOLD!
    /id/last - $200 - SOLD!
    /id/manga - $200 - $100 offer
    /id/grace - $200 - SOLD!
    /id/dark- $350 - SOLD!
    /id/rich - $350 - SOLD!
    BTC, ETH, or CashApp as payment method

    Note: as of recently, there have been scamming multis posting my ids, make sure to verify they own the id you're buying
    Discord: moon#1234
    @pussy is that u
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