Selling Before buying, trading, and selling. Please read this.....

Discussion in 'Monster Super League Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jpgj92, 11/19/16.

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  1. jpgj92

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    Before selling, trading, or buying your MSL account you must have 3 linked accounts ready (gmail, game center, and Facebook.)
    This is the safest way to secure the account

    Now if you dont have your account linked to gmail, game center, or Facebook. make sure you create a dummy account for each of them. This way its easier for sellers and buyers to change the info without a hustle. If you linked your main Facebook. and main gmail account then there is no way to trade safely.

    But if you already linked your Game Center on your MAIN email then this is also a problem, either you give up or delete all infos inside your Apple ID and create dummy email so you can change your primary email. (credit cards, personal infos, etc)

    Once you obtain the account, check all following linked emails via gmail/game center/Facebook. and if you came across this message
    then you have to notify the account owner that the account is already linked to his/her own email.

    Note* You will not able to change all the Facebook. accounts, gmail, and game center accounts. Only the information inside of the account.

    Please be safe and all always happy trading.
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