Sold Become a whale! Impress your "friends"! Finally earn your parents love! BY FAR the best account here

Discussion in 'Animation Throwdown Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by myjunkyourtrunk, 12/9/18.

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  1. myjunkyourtrunk

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    Get yourself in WoG or BBW with one of the 100 best accounts in the game. No weak BGEs. More CM than you can shake a stick at, including CM2 on OMM and WB with 2 PCs of each. CM3 on Fry in Robot Disguise. $15,000USD spent, this is a bargain.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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  3. OP

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    Combo Mastery
    Level | Combo | left
    3 | Fry in Robot Disguise | 0
    2 | Anally Defaced | 0
    2 | Another Lousy Millenium | 0
    2 | Badminton Roger | 0
    2 | Cartel Klaus | 0
    2 | Chosen Brain Fry | 0
    2 | Chris Painting | 0
    2 | Cigarette Addicts | 0
    2 | Congo Jack | 0
    2 | Constipated Hank | 0
    2 | Crayon Drawing | 0
    2 | Devil Hank | 50
    2 | Eggnog Roger | 0
    2 | Freezerdome Gene | 0
    2 | Fry's Macaroni Art | 10
    2 | Heavy Metal Hayley | 0
    2 | Leela Balloon Art | 0
    2 | Life Drawing Hayley | 0
    2 | Medieval Hank | 0
    2 | One Man Musical | 20
    2 | Red Rodriguez 2 Real | 0
    2 | Show and Tell | 0
    2 | Softball Boomhauer | 0
    2 | Super Dance Squad | 0
    2 | Tattooed Fat Guy | 10
    2 | Viking Peter | 0
    2 | Wingnut Amy | 0
    2 | Wingnut Leela | 0
    1 | Action Delivery Force Zoidberg | 5
    1 | Art of War | 5
    1 | Artsy Tina | 5
    1 | Baby Duck Stewie | 5
    1 | Babysitter Leela | 5
    1 | Bad Tina | 5
    1 | Balloon Sniper | 5
    1 | Battle Axe Peggy | 5
    1 | Beefsquatch | 5
    1 | Bob Gene | 5
    1 | Body Paint Date | 5
    1 | Boombox Teddy | 5
    1 | Booty Shaking Drunk | 5
    1 | Boy Witch Steve | 5
    1 | Butt Closet | 5
    1 | Captain Yesterday | 5
    1 | Christmas Trap | 5
    1 | Church Wine Drunk | 5
    1 | CIA Instructor | 5
    1 | Claw-Plach | 5
    1 | Claw-Plach Fry | 5
    1 | Clobberella | 5
    1 | Dancing Peggy | 5
    1 | Devil Bobby | 5
    1 | Diarama Gene | 5
    1 | Dodgeball Louise | 5
    1 | Dolphin Rider Peter | 10
    1 | Draw Me Tina | 5
    1 | Drunk at the Clam | 5
    1 | Drunk Bullock | 15
    1 | Drunk Fry | 5
    1 | Drunk Leela | 5
    1 | Drunk Peggy | 5
    1 | Drunk Peter | 5
    1 | Drunk Zoidberg | 5
    1 | Fart in a Jar | 5
    1 | Food Truck Bob | 5
    1 | Gaga Ball | 5
    1 | Girls Being Girls | 5
    1 | Goddess of Beauty | 5
    1 | Golfer Amy | 5
    1 | Groin Kicker | 5
    1 | Guenter | 5
    1 | Hank Hill, Running Back | 5
    1 | High School Bill | 5
    1 | High School Linda | 5
    1 | I am Mona | 5
    1 | Michael Dangle-low | 5
    1 | Mind Switcher Amy | 5
    1 | Mr. Deliver | 5
    1 | # Painting Bullock | 5
    1 | Oktoberfest Amy | 5
    1 | Opera Singer Leela | 5
    1 | Paddlin' Peggy | 5
    1 | Painter Klaus | 5
    1 | Pigeon Bill | 5
    1 | Poppler Jingle Fry | 5
    1 | Positron Shooter Fry | 5
    1 | Q.T. McWhiskers | 5
    1 | QB Boomhauer | 15
    1 | Rapture Stan | 5
    1 | Responsible Cocaine User Bullock | 5
    1 | Ripped Bullock | 5
    1 | Roller Skating Peggy | 5
    1 | Rough Night Stan | 5
    1 | Scooty-Puff Jr | 5
    1 | Secret Asian Man | 5
    1 | Sensei Ryan | 5
    1 | Sex Ed Teacher | 5
    1 | Shut Up and Take My Money | 5
    1 | Singing Busboy | 5
    1 | Sketch Artist Peter | 5
    1 | Space Queen | 5
    1 | Student Fry | 5
    1 | Supermodel Roger | 5
    1 | Taxidermy Artist | 5
    1 | The Thinker Ape | 15
    1 | Toga Bill | 5
    1 | Towel Manager Dale | 5
    1 | Trippy Zoidberg | 5
    1 | Umbriel | 5
    1 | Uncle Teddy | 5
    1 | Underwear Karate | 5
    1 | Vengeance Quagmire | 5
    1 | Whiskey Bartender | 0
    1 | Will of a Housewife | 5
    1 | Workout Klaus | 15
    1 | Yacht Club | 5
    1 | Zinc Saucier | 5
    1 | Zoidberg vs Bot | 5
    0 | 4:30 Appointment | 10
    0 | Bender's Weapons | 10
    0 | Blueberry Picker | 30
    0 | Da Vinci's Beard | 10
    0 | Derby Wife | 10
    0 | Diamond Ring Lois | 10
    0 | Dr. Bobbenstein | 10
    0 | Half Dog Gene | 10
    0 | Krav Maga Dale | 10
    0 | One-Eyed Bean Machine | 10
    0 | Playwright Brian | 10
    0 | Pool Shark | 30
    0 | Record Holder Stan | 10
    0 | Shoplift Addict | 10
    0 | Slurm Loco | 10
    0 | Super King | 10
    0 | The Gender Bender | 10
    0 | Victory Dance | 10

    - Card Stats -
    [Q] = Quads only
    [A] = All legs
    Your Status: [Q]

    Total Legs: 657
    Quads: 306 (46.58%)
    Dual: 105 (15.98%)
    Unfused: 246 (37.44%)
    Chars: 147 (22.37%)
    Items: 424 (64.54%)
    PCs: 80 (12.18%)

    - By Type -
    1. Chars (147)
    Quads: 84 (57.14%)
    Dual: 22 (14.97%)
    Unfused: 41 (27.89%)

    Most Quadded
    Philip J. Fry (18)

    Char Count By Show [Q]
    FT: 31 (36.90%)
    BB: 16 (19.05%)
    FG: 14 (16.67%)
    KH: 12 (14.29%)
    AD: 11 (13.10%)
    2. Items (424)
    Quads: 170 (40.09%)
    Dual: 71 (16.75%)
    Unfused: 183 (43.16%)

    Most Quadded
    Nibbler on the Roof (8)

    Item Count By Show [Q]
    FT: 50 (29.41%)
    BB: 39 (22.94%)
    KH: 30 (17.65%)
    FG: 29 (17.06%)
    AD: 22 (12.94%)

    Item Count By BGE [Q]
    Disguised: 25 (14.71%)
    Drunk: 21 (12.35%)
    Musical: 20 (11.76%)
    Educated: 20 (11.76%)
    Athletic: 18 (10.59%)
    Artistic: 17 (10.00%)
    Armed: 16 (9.41%)
    Addicted: 14 (8.24%)
    Fighter: 10 (5.88%)
    Animal: 9 (5.29%)
    3. PCs (80)
    Quads: 52 (65.00%)
    Dual: 12 (15.00%)
    Unfused: 16 (20.00%)

    Most Quadded
    Hatchet Boomhauer (3)

    PC Count By Show [Q]
    FT: 21 (40.38%)
    BB: 12 (23.08%)
    AD: 8 (15.38%)
    KH: 7 (13.46%)
    FG: 4 (7.69%)

    PC Count By BGE [Q]
    Musical: 10 (19.23%)
    Disguised: 8 (15.38%)
    Drunk: 8 (15.38%)
    Educated: 7 (13.46%)
    Athletic: 5 (9.62%)
    Armed: 5 (9.62%)
    Addicted: 4 (7.69%)
    Artistic: 3 (5.77%)
    Animal: 3 (5.77%)
    Fighter: 2 (3.85%)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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