Sold Beast VIP10+ Navy Main Account/ 9- 5star Heroes

Discussion in 'Top War Battle Game Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LTyson, 4/9/22.

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  1. LTyson

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    Selling my selfmade VIP 10 almost VIP11 account! Android/IOS.
    Price Neg0tiable

    This account has been made especially for competitive fighting purpose and is in my strong server top 25 strongest due to many Transfers, used to be better :D

    I have invested wisely to be competitive to VIP12-14 (depends on how the accounts has been treated), so do not expect too many decoration sets or Queue skins.
    Navy Main 3 Hero Combat Elite and a strong Army main march to defend against strong Air players. (Almost Encirclement Unlocked).

    This Account comes with:
    - 19 Transfer Tickets
    - 29000 Gems + 10000 in Inventory
    - nine 5 Star heros, twelve 4 star heros and Purple fully perked Farm heroes.
    - 8 Base skins, 4 Queue skins
    - Approx. 180k odinium available and 247 Valhalla units ready to get burned ;)
    - Unit Inventory: lvl 82: 22, Lvl 81: 261 usable in inventory/// 275 lvl 80 Ships, 161 Lvl 80 Tanks
    - Approxm. 48 Eternal Land tokens, ready to spend!

    Fighting Information:
    - Components see picture PVP
    - Mastery Lvl 10+ Navy and Army / Air lvl5
    - Formations Assault lvl 12
    - Equpiment Navy and Army all Purple

    Navy 5 Star Set Up: HERO PERKS 8 out of 12 110%
    - Bailos: lvl 5 Dmg increase, Decrease and attack, LVL 6 March Size Rare/ Unrare 5
    - Akatora: lvl 5 Dmg increase, Decrease, LVL 6 March Size Rare/ Unrare 5, Exclusive LVL 5
    - -Yuu: lvl 5 Dmg increase, Decrease, LVL 6 March Size/unrare 5, Exclusive LVL 5

    Army 5 Star Set Up: Started to Perk out Katy
    - Katyusha: lvl 5 Dmg increase, Decrease, Exclusive LVL 5, March Size
    - Amalia: lvl 5 Dmg increase, Decrease, Attack, Marchsize: Exclusive lvl3
    - Optimus: lvl 5 Dmg increase, Decrease, Attack, Marchsize, Exclusive 3
    Air Hero skills same lvl range, no March size

    Navy - lvl 88
    Army- lvl 74
    Air - lvl 61


    For more pics or questions contact me at any time.

    Take Care and have a good one!

    Attached Files:

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