BD server KYOC female character with ancient set. full level 10 set etc...

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by x001120, 10/26/16.

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  1. x001120

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    75 Purple Rosy(pvp)
    19/46 Chaotic
    1/9 taoist

    49 WV 4th inner(pve)
    36/37 wv 6th inner(pve, have enough cert to go to 49)

    Weapon and gear
    Full Jade class 6 set TaiChi attribute(roll full max stats for rosy inner, max brawn stamina and spirit)
    Chef flute C6 with 5 row of damage max
    Chef double sword damage roll
    BS double dagger with phantom dagger skill
    30% Ancient Open Tai chi bracer

    1 set of external crit damage and reduce damage with crit rate
    1 set internal crit damage and reduce crit damage with HP

    All internal meridian required to 180 except emei 144/144(WV meridian at 188/216)
    Tangmen merd and its reverse 180
    Schoolar reverse at 9/9(but 2nd inner of Mthua open to 49 just need to cult)
    Wudang reverse at 180/180
    Emei reverse (2nd inner open to 36 and have enough cert to open to 54 once you come back to Holy water palace)
    Jianghu meridian all 45/45

    Weapon manual
    Bare hands 400
    Single Sword 454
    Double dagger: 347
    Double sword: max limit 512/512 need to open to cult more…

    Ancient Set
    Tai Chi combo with lvl 6 rage
    Ta Chi fist ancient shield
    Spirit step level 3
    Other useful school skill and 99 set
    Nine Palace sword
    Phantom Twin Dagger full 6/10
    Buddha Heart palm: full level 10 except rage 4
    Curled Branch Blade full level 10
    Pegasus Flying In The Sky lvl 4
    Circle The Moon Three Times lvl 4
    Perish blade level 11
    Far and Remove level 4
    Eight lotus breaking
    MtHua(Stranger) first set full level 10
    Full PBI set level 8
    Flying cloud set
    Lethal 13 sword level 8
    Seductive stare sword level 6
    Martial Saint Staff
    Crazed Demon set
    Flying Skill:
    Full flying skill with double and triple jump max level 5
    5+ Arrays with pbi array

    9 Cloth Lore(with some limited time only lore)
    2 Single Sword, double sword, and Twin Dagger 3 Star Weapon Lore
    Dagger 2 star lore(fan)
    A cape(mantle)(worth 150usd alone)
    A Waist accessory
    10% ancient Tai chi rage annotation book
    10% Curle Branch sword rage annotation book
    Budda heart palm annotation books, and a lot more usefull set book
    Breah brawn switcher
    Stamina-Breath switcher
    Brawn Dex switcher
    Brawn Spirit switcher
    1500+ Pure Yang Sword
    2000+ Five demon books
    And a lot of material, buff pills and stuff that too lazy to list...
    Herbalist level 10
    Craftman level 8+
    All other jobs such as hunter, miner etc all level 6+
    Musican level 9 with max point
    Offer and contact me if you need anything..
    Price I looking for is 400+
    Red bird
    Mengmeng Horse(10Ding pet)
    Foxie Ali

    Bank transfer(instant email transfer upon received the money after confirm no more pending)
    PayPal(7-45days wait time before transfer email on account)
    eBay giftcard(48hours wait time before transfer email-because eBay giftcard need to wait 48h wait time before it confirm active)
    playerup TradeGuardian(account email transfer after buyer confirm item received and once I receive the credit the email will be transfer)
    No Scam warranty as I am tired of this game and Snail company,
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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