Selling  BBS Farming service, no hacks just manual grinding

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Boosting Farming Services - Buy Sell Trade' started by david_sama91, 3/1/20.

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  1. david_sama91

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    I am offering a BBS farming service (Epic raids or coop IZ). There is no use of hacks here so 100% safe.
    Because Epic raids and coop IZ is much harder and requires manual play I am offering $2.50 an hour (min 5 hours, if you order 10 hours I will throw in an extra 2.5 hrs free). I can also do solo iz at a # rate if you have teams for an auto set up, if you don't have accessories or characters for that I will charge a manual play rate. I will also use up your soul tickets in current events and complete brave battles before starting so they don't just sit there.

    There is absolutely no use of hacks here so no chance of any warnings or bans to your account.

    DM me for more information or if there is something else you would like to farm. Let's get some farming happening.
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