Diablo 3 with reaper of souls. Fully geared paragon level 300 witch doctor that can solo T8. I have the kanai cube and all legendary gems. Hearthstone account has 80% of the classic cards. WoW has expansions up to mists of pandaria. Level 90 protection paladin Level 90 subtly rogue Level 90 blood death knight Level 85 beast master hunter Full PVP gear. Full heirloom gear. I have all of the guild heirlooms. I have the dread pirate heirloom ring. Skinning mining and herbalism max or close to max. Hunter has most of the rare pets such as skoll, king krush, and loque. Around 30,000 gold and 15 mounts. Face to face chicago sale is welcome. Middleman or paypal is fine. You are responsible for any fee's associated with your payment method.
Forgot to mention diablo 3 has all classes at max level. Wizard, barbarian, monk, witch doctor, demon hunter, crusader.