Battlenet Account - Multiple games

Discussion in 'Gamebattles Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tuskythebeast, 12/26/16.

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  1. Tuskythebeast

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    Looking to either sell my current battlenet account or trade with a nostalrius/elysium account.

    World of warcraft: Have all the expantions with vanila achievements and things on it + current BiS Legion raid gear. A few max level (can ask more questions about it)

    Diablo 3: All DLC/Expansions inclusive Reaper of Souls

    Starcraft: All expansions and all dlcs, played a lot and got nice icons and placement ranks.

    Hearthstone: Nearly all unlocked wings/expansions, a lot of cards to create decks and currently rank 11. Account is from beta so got nearly all cardbacks.

    Heroes of the storm: Account from Beta, but not played much

    Overwatch: Do not own this game. - Free battletag change on the account too.

    Anyways questions regarding some of the games ask freely, price is negatioable, leave a comment.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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