Buy Now Secure Order Checkout | PlayerUp Middleman This is a level 70+ account and player ID of 13xxxxx It is purposely non-specific to protect the account. This is a low player ID for the game, have had it for years, so it has all sorts of advantages I’ve included a link to my youtube channel setup just for a walk-thru of what you get since it would take hours to type it all up. It includes all of the ships I have built, hulls, blueprints and research. I have over 100 ‘gifts’ so lots of resources to refit and build. The account is currently building a fleet of bare-bone Nuclear Cruisers not shown in the video. Also not shown are a fleet of Interdictors with Vasagos Interdictor as a flagship (not shown in video), and 3 Berserkers all ready to refit. There is a lot of hours and way more money than I care to admit in this account. I will do the following on the sale of this account: Change the Game Name before transferring it so you have a ‘fresh start’ Relocate the base to a random sector Send you the Kixeye, Facebook and Gmail login info. Video Link Obviously the player name was created for a gaming account, it is NOT mine so you are in no way tied to my personal stuff. Get it before the next raid so we can start you off in a new sector with a new name.
hi your link doesnt work for the video can you update it so i can vew your hulls ect. intrested in purchasing
Yea, the video link gets screwed up by being embedded in the website, I guess I did it wrong. If you copy and paste it into the URL bar it works. I just tried it.