Selling Account With first 3 Bp Mythic skins and many other stuff Notable skins and items: Amaterasu Kiriko Zeus Junkerqueen Cyber Demon Genji Witch Kiriko, whole bundle Dragoon Mercy Lifeguard Mercy, Camouflage Mercy, Atlantic All Stars Mercy, Miko Mercy, almost all normal Shop Mercy Skins that can be bought Atlantic All Stars DVA Comicbook Tracer and SlipStream Pachimari Hog Blackwatch Reyes Reaper Overgrown Bastion Oni Genji Hanzo Kyoshiga Maestro Sigma Mardi Gras Ashe Jester Sombra Shrike Ana Strike Commander Soldier 3 golden guns for Kiriko, Moira and Mercy 7k competitive points for you to buy two more golden guns discord : funkyrobstr ss :