I Wish To Sell At Aquarius Server LVL 95 SLR Account With Full SG 90 Full Skilled Along With Special SLR Skill >>Black Ice<< (LVL 10) Also He Has The Arcane Fingerband Relic. (LVL 3) 10m In Stash Together With Some Usefull Things For LVL 100 And Last But Not Least LVL 98 Mutant Illusion Violet Dragon (str) Full Skilled With 1 AOE /3000 Growth/ Boost + 10 / Fortify + 8 / If U Are Interested U Know What To Do http://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/tongue.png I Am Willing To Hear Any Offers So Dont Hold Back. P.s (i wont post screenshots here either for my stuff nor my pet so don't ask)