Like the title says, selling a account with Sc2 (all expansions) WoW Legion, and Destiny 2. Starcraft 2: All expansions, most coop commanders purchased. 7k+ achievement points, brutal campaigns completed. Master League 1v1 and Team finishes. WoW: Legion expansion, 15k+ achievement points, lots of titles, 150+ mounts. Destiny 2: Hunter 305 with full raid/prestige raid gear. Warlock 303 with raid/prestige gear. Titan 304 with raid/prestige gear. Almost all exotics unlocked, most challenge emblems for raids obtained. Prestige raid completion emblem. Exotic ships/vehicles. Also comes with Diablo 2 and Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction. Looking for $80.00 via verified PayPal, friends/family. You pay first, then I give you the account information. Message me if interested. WoW has thousands of hours logged, and Destiny 2 has been played hardcore since release.