Selling  Battle cats Services cheap

Discussion in 'The Battle Cats Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adwaith Pradeep, 1/24/22.

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  1. Adwaith Pradeep

    Adwaith Pradeep
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    My Location:
    Add 10 Cats of your choice = 1-10 $
    10 Rares- 1$
    10 SUper rares 2$
    10 Ubers= 5$
    10 Legends 7$
    10 combination (10$)

    Cat Food : 10 000 CF --> 1$
    Unlock any unit of your choice --> 1$
    Max level --> 1$
    XP : 99 999 999 XP --> 2$
    Platinum Ticket : 2 for 1$ 9 for 4$
    Rare Tickets : 100 --> 1$
    Normal Tickets : 500 --> 1$
    True form for any cat --> 1$
    CatFruit refill (catfuit of your choice up to 128) --> 4$
    Cat eyes : 100 of each cat eye --> 5$
    Treasure radar, max wallet, speed ups etc : 200 of each, all for 5$

    (5$)Basic Deal = Choice of any 5

    (8$)Ameuter deal = Choice of 10

    (12$) Super Sexy deal = ALL of the above

    If you want anything else or have any questions feel free to ping me on discord @ Catsforlifepls#4370
    #1 Adwaith Pradeep, 1/24/22
    Last edited: 1/25/22
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    DarkGamer999 likes this.
  2. DarkGamer999

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    legit this actually worked
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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