Sold Barbamon 99 lvl

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ddacko, 2/2/18.

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  1. ddacko

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    Tamer is 99 level Keenan (Has Tai in wh if you want to change), It has 43 digimons and 20 something free wh slots. also has Digimon guardian title.
    It has about 100 tera.Items woth mentiotning are 99 hbu, Clons: 9mega D, 12 megaC, 9 mega B, 1 mega A, 6mega S,
    180 rein D, 130 rein C, 130 rein B, 80 rein A, 35 rein S. 3500 reset capsules has gaku ran, 12 Mode Selectors 500+ Jump Boosters.
    The stats on the ring are:Att,AT, AT, CT
    Neck: AT, AS,DS, CD
    Ears: CD, SK, CD all of them are 200% and with max stats.

    Has about 3 months worh of Jogress and DigiAura, 7 GF 125%, 150+ NCS, 50ish exp bosts 1000%, around 100 megaphones,

    These are the following digis:

    1.Agu 129% (Omegamon) 15/15/15/15 clon
    2.Gabu 123% (Omegamon)
    3.Raptor 125% (AO) 15/15
    4.Ryu 123%(AO)
    5.Kaiser 125% 15/15/15/15 (has Susano unlocked)
    6.MagnaGaruru 125%
    7.DracoGreen 125% (Exa)
    8.DracoBlue 120%(Exa)
    9.Baihu 125% 15/15 and the rest of the holy digis lvl 3/5 that make Fanglo
    10.BlackAgu 125% (Chimera)
    11.Gazi 123% (Chimera)
    12.Luce 123% has Ghena
    13.Candle 129%
    14.Gotsu 129%
    15.Rena 129%
    16.FanBee 129%
    17.Bear 129%
    18.Mono 129%
    19.ExVee 129% (with Paladin Mode)
    20.Deputy 129%
    21.Terrier 129%
    22.Guill 129% (with Grani)
    23.Hagura 128%
    24.Dorumon 128%
    25.Hagura (chaosdramon) 128%
    26.Piyo 128%
    27.Kuda 128%
    28.Imp 128%
    29.Beta 128%
    30.Tsukai 127%
    31.Veedra 125%
    32.Tento 121%
    33.Drac 120%
    34.Kera 120%
    35.Psyche 120%
    36.Hawk 120%
    37.DemiDevi 120%
    38.Tane 121%
    39.Agu (Victory) 124%

    Price is #. Contact me on steam "ddacko" for more info.
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