hey, i need a banner.. it should say 'WoWcrimson' and 'WoW HighRates Funserver' any render and black/red background oh, 632x150 has to be the size please b/c im using it for an ACweb page THANKS, toxik not one please in there.. i said thanks didn't i? if you wanna flame gtfo queer Yea Dinked and there is a please pay attention oh, 632x150 has to be the size please Originally Posted by Toxik hey, i need a banner.. it should say 'WoWcrimson' and 'WoW HighRates Funserver' any render and black/red background You sure about that? Any render certainly has a large range... and from what I can tell, this seems to pertain to World of Warcraft, and i'm just guessing at this, but shouldn't websites have a banner that somewhat relates to their website's message? okay, any 'WoW' render then.. was assuming they'd guess i wanted a WoW render but k I want to make one soon! okay, thanks guys